Friday, December 12, 2008

Brent Corrigan Et Brent Everett Hot

's it, Switzerland is part of the Schengen

The Swiss Confederation has finally decided to join the Schengen area of free movement of persons.

What difference does it make? Bah I do not need to go through the customs check at the station de Bales or highway .... But well done it does not change almost anything. I think they will implement the customs officials as it is already in France and then check heads who do not return their randomly.

A little advertising of the UDC party of extreme right in Switzerland was 20 minutes last year and is a bit shocking. I do not think that France would be allowed. (I specifying expected that the French are weird like the other ... for UDC)

What's new under the sun? Or rather under the snow. Bah, in fact, a lot of work. The end of the semester means here: to make even more homeworks, there is still two to three quizzes in here and there, we put some partial and sprinkle it account records of construction and other projects.

Otherwise, it has been nearly a month since I left the bike in the garage in France. The metro costing 41 CHF per month (27 euros). But I hope to go skiing instead: P. (By the way, skiing in Switzerland will be the subject of a future post, there was a ski out last week with the student association of the EPFL, and I go four days in February with student. But I will come back.)

Small bulk remarks:

The Swiss are very honest. The other day there was a door with monaie still put pieces in a side panel along the road so that he who has lost can find it. He stayed there long 5 days and still with its contents (I checked: D). The Swiss love
cash. December 1, JEVAIS mailed to deposit money to pay the rent on behalf of the FMEL (housing association manager). A lady in front of me has also paid some bills, and paid the few 3000 euros in cash. Ehhh yes, there's no checkbook in Switzerland.
Another thing, people generally have two credit cards to their checking account. One for withdrawals and a (visa or mastercard in general) to pay. The first is often free.
The UBS account is free for EPFL students. Anyway I have my account at Credit Mutuel Swiss currency.

At street level, the Swiss who meet all (If you exceed the speed limit of 25 km / h is 260 CHF (170 euros)) bah they do not know and do not put the blinkers in the roundabouts. They do not know any more than to enter a roundabout is a give way, most make a stop ... and do not care if you come, they go anyway. It's pretty dangerous when you ride a bike and you cut the Swiss road.
Another thing a bit disturbing, the pedestrian is given priority when it is at a crosswalk (even if not engaged). The Swiss then stop automatically if there is a pedestrian wishing to cross. This becomes even dangerous, loot cars to pedestrians who do not look before committing.
little thing that changes compared to France, the fire passes through the orange before green again. Anyway I still do not know whether the radars that are present on a lot of flashing lights you if you go with orange ... Deeply

holidays, 14 weeks non-stop is long, too long: /.