Sunday, July 19, 2009

My Mom Got It With A Belt From Dad

Session dive bomb by night after a party ...

From Splash Bomb
After a wonderfully successful marriage and very properly celebrated (well played and the new redneck sis):) session dives bombs between brother and brother-in-Frerot ... Mary encourages us in our stunts. Anyway splash pool on neon are beautiful, what art, what style!

From Splash Bomb
fans dive bombs can see more here

In action, filmed and narrated by Mary, here is the performance of athletes (we play to that splashes the above, of course ...):

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Funny Friendship Letter To Friend

apart (week 13) New

16/07 securing the terrace, restoration of furniture (sanding) and cleaning
17.07 cartons and removing furniture Chatenay
7.18 Moving
19/07 end of the adventure ...

remains to be done in the coming days:
raises threshold strip laundry,

In September, delivery
work plan, and the table
raises the credence of the kitchen

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Identifying Stray Puppies

apart (week 12) New

09 / 07 Securing the balcony of the office, asks threshold strip chambers
7.10 shipping work plans and re-delivery of the furnaces, ceiling plaster
7.11 poses worktops, cleaning closets
7.12 installation appliances, electricity from the utility room ceiling and painting
13/07 14/07
beam moving coil, cleaning the bathroom,
7.15 installation of electrical outlets in the kitchen 2.7