Monday, September 15, 2008

Cartier Trinity With Diamonds Price

My first day of classes and my disappointments ... My roommates

Yesterday, I had an appointment with the head of the section to present my course selection.
All went well, I'll just have a first half very, very busy with 36 ECTS credits (normally 30).
I'll have to work :/...
short, just after this meeting face to face, my nice PC HP brand has passed away without warning. Only one shutdown innopiné and since then no sign of life. As
must connect with a RJ45 cable to my residence for the Internet, I have no real way of communication.
Luckily there are ways to EPFL, particularly in buildings of the computer section (pictures are taken, I wait to have a pc for the add: p). In the small room where I am, on one side with 42 computer flat screen 21 "and the other as well. (It's one of the rooms, there are others, not hurt others. ..).
I remmercie Emilien who lent me her pc last night so I could check the date of expiry of the warranty on my laptop. I was lucky, that is until 20 September So in 6 days! (three-year warranty) ... By
cons nothing wrong with the service pro HP. They called me in the morning, a couple of questions about symptoms and engineer myself offers a collection by courier (UPS in France of course). It will Monday. In passing I will get my old wheelbarrow (p3 450 mhz) to help me time to repair.

My first day of classes.
In fact on Monday it may be the coolest day of my week.
I have one or two courses in the afternoon (2 to 5 hours of courses) according to my choice. (If I do not take the second course on Monday after noon, I take it Tuesday morning).
the program of my day: information theory and codes followed by the algrithmique distributed. All in English with an Indian for the first Courset an American second. American who kept hopping throughout the auditorium (which has nothing to do with the small auditorium of ESISAR).
This week is reserved for testing of course. Ehhhh, yes, in Switzerland you are entitled to like or dislike your teachers. This to make the best uses of time. Good teachers
each begins its course, so if you're not there at first, it's your problem.

For my part, I am still leaves a choice between two courses: Distributed algorithms
Monday aprem
Distributed Information Systems on Tuesday morning
The two are the same.
I do an article later on the course selection system in Switzerland, you have to be engineers to understand everything the first time! The photos arrive



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