Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Virtual Jenna Ipod Touch
at EPFL, if you do not want you to eat, just walk through the various buildings around 19h-20h in the evening ....
Last night there was a speech for new master students from abroad at a glance Key resulting in an online survey that could be answered. This took place in the polydome, a beautiful wooden dome.
After the speech (30 minutes of a teacher talking about his research on related descapteurs Mesh and 10 minutes on key figures), the buffet.
But before proceeding to the buffet, we note that EPFL has received $ 470 million of public funds and 170 million in private funds.
Small ovens were nice, very well prepared, a pity I have no pictures: / but it was very well done, feed directly into spoons, Blinn, kebabs ... and for dessert, and lightning tarts for dessert.
Well I must say it was worse than the previous one (there were no white wines, red rose of Switzerland) and fewer choices in food.
We finished eating around 19:30, so I headed on a full stomach to the parking lot but on the way ... another buffet. This one was simpler, pizza slices, Swiss cheese, yoghurt (Swiss) and apples (Swiss?). Of course, we had to test what was to present (good French). Mathieu took the opportunity to refuel yoghurt ... sofien me and have been wiser had not brought two each.
A little later, at the bottom of the corridor (which takes time) a stand with wine tasting Switzerland. But hey I drive so I do not drink ;)... I spent my turn.
short, if you're hungry at the small stuff, do not worry, there are regular appetizers and buffets, you just need to know.
How Can I Transport Cupcakes Safely
I begin to take my bearings and have a fairly predictable operation.
is cyclic over two weeks.
In fact, I try to return home to France every two weekends.
Monday morning, returning from France. I leave around 7am and arrive to the Alsace Laussanne to 11H.
transport by train costs about 5 euros from my home in Bales (1:30) and 29.50 francs (20 euros) to de Bales in Lausanne (2h). For both trips I have 50% discount with the 12-25 card in France (49 euros) and the half fare card in Switzerland (150 francs => 100 euros). There is another reduction that can be added to the half fare card, which is called channel 7 (100 francs extra): After 7 am and until last night, all transports are free. I did not take because I rarely take public transport at night.
The other means of transportation was a motorcycle or car. It costs about the same price as the train, there are 300km to go, it takes about 3 hours.
Monday, I start to 13h. Eat Yourself the apartment. At night I usually work on homework ITC (information theory and coding), material that I workout in the next day. It is also the deadline for making the extra exercise of DIS (Distributed Information System).
Tuesday is the worst day. I do a 8h-17h. Morning 3am DIS with the new fiscal year and additional 4h of ITC in the afternoon. I also want to eat at a restaurant on campus with student Sofien and Mathieu. In the evening I finalize the ITC homework.
Wednesday is a quiet day. I'm only 3 hours during the morning and 1 hour from 16h to 17h. We'll eat and I generally remains at EPFL do with the DIS Sofien from 13h to 16h and to make the homework ITC whose dead-line is Thursday noon.
Thursday, I cryptography and TCP-IP from 10 to 16 o'clock stop.J 've TP about a week on two TCP-IP, next week's exercises. We must make the TP before the course begins. I did not have time to eat, even if I can grab a sandwich and eat at the break. I usually take an apple and I have lunch very well in the morning. That evening, around 10am, the new ITC homework is available on the Internet.
Friday, I cryptography for 4 hours in the morning. There are regularly a small flow of the QCM (sometimes on Thursday morning).
At noon either I take the subway to catch my train at Central Station, either I get my bike home for the weekend.
If I take the subway, I have my train at 12:45, and I'm home around 17h for a weekend of rest (still with homework and revision).
the weekend or I stay at the apartment, I want to work for other things and do some housekeeping, laundry etc..
For laundry there is a laundry room in each building (10 apts per building so about 50 people). It is very cheap. 0.5 to 1.5 euros depending on the wash cycle.
I still have my computer with me, I take courses on computer I said directly that the slides are available on the webpage of the laboratory of the professor, except that the ITC has no slides but with a lecture at the table.
interest is that I can work around my homework: D I think it's a good way ... and saw my writing, at least I manage to read it again.
Beef Hot Sticks Nutrition
This post is a bit long, there is no picture, but to explain a bit more how to pass the exams will be graded and how the courts ....
Yesterday I had my first exam at the EPFL. The midterm exam Information Theory and Coding (math with great probability). It is a hundred
this course (which is in the mandatory category). This course is a notoriously difficult because very theoretical. In fact, the teacher is a doctor at Stanford, specializing in this area and we eyeful ...
In brief, the first exam for my exam that I feared a little ... 4h math very theoretical knowledge that last year it was a slaughter (average of 32 points out of 100).
When we discovered the room we had, we were not too happy. No tables, chairs with tablets. On this shelf, you can attach 2 / 3 of an A4 sheet. So to have about two pages, pages of notes that we had the right to make and copy of a writing is not really a must. 4 hours in there ... but hey it could always be worse.
Before entering, you must read your seat number on the sheet taped to the door. When
part, the teacher, TA or password. You must provide your student number (or present student card) and sign the attendance sheet. You must answer on your own sheets or blank sheets of paper (without tiles) that are distributed. Ditto for the draft.
The exam is supervised by all the TA (which are very bored) and this part the teacher was present.
For exam itself, it looks like not hurt the exam in previous years. I have not found it too hard, but some questions and exercises at 5. First exam
past ... the next is tomorrow ... 2 days in cryptography: / / (will also be hard enough, these two subjects representing almost half of my credits each semester and midterm counting for about 40% of score).
I'll describe a little rating system, heterogeneous system:
For each class, the teacher is assisted by TA (teacher assistant).
TAs are instructed to exercise sessions, the practical and correct copies.
The teacher is free to choose the rating system for its course, just a final part or as a continuous control.
In general, there is a midterm exam in the middle of the race that counts for 40% of the grade and a final exam counts for 50%. The remaining 10% of homework, and tp (DEFOIS up 30% as tcp / ip), see little question mark as to the course during cryptography.
After teachers go BANO inventiveness immagine systems sometimes silly story about the same time study the behavior of students.
I'll take the case of Distributed Information System. There are only
a partial final.
But every week, every workout, there is a harder exercise, an additional exercise that can be made.
To make it, you have to go on in the section of the course, send our file (pdf) before the deadline. After the correction the following week, ask TA to correct our copy, if you consider that we just. If so, it was 6 / 6. Otherwise, after 2 times, it is clear the system.
These additional duties may take up to 40% of the note.
How? In fact, there is a gate saying that if you're the only one who passed the year count for your copy 40% of your material, then 40% with 6 (20/20).
By cons, most people make, the less it matters ... 2 persons 20 persons 12% 3% ... 4% 9 people.
Basically, if you bump alone, you maximize your chances of having a larger% ... but hey I think it is better now to work in groups, include all exercises (which will be very useful for the time) and fly 4% each time.
We are at 6th exercises, I had 3 times the correct answer and I note the 4th (which was much more difficult) and the 5th I have the right answer so it will not be a problem.
total so I hope to have already 24% of my Final Score ... see more.
I work every week with Sofien, another French student who was already last year in Erasmus, he just ESIEE Paris and is the master computer as I do here. (Except that it already has 60 credits of erasmus last year, but must do a semester in addition to the 15 credits of boring (mandatory)).
short, form a good tandem, and we manage to solve without too much trouble twisted problems that we face. Let's hope it lasts. To note
cryptography, the formula is even more twisted ...
Sometimes there are short written form of MCQ (10 questions, if you are here you have at least one, if you respond well you + 0.5 if you answer wrong -0.5). Are
kept the two best third QCM.
There is a midterm. Note
"average continuous control" the average "best MCQ"
midterm and final grade is the maximum between:
- note the final exam
- the minimum between:
- note final exam + 1
- the average score of the final exam and the "continuous medium"
You follow? No? ... To summarize, if you have less than 3 on the final exam, you do not 4 and not matter. If you are between 3 and 4, you have a chance. If you have above 4, it's good: D.
There are a lot of personal work, for some materials, papers (publications) to read for homework the other (in Information Theory and Coding, we must make homework a week, a homework taking several hours to do ( I think 5 hours is a good average). In the end these homeworks will count for 10% of the bill .. not even 1% homework :////).
In TCP / IP, I have a midterm in half a score of days and TP are noted. The TP are long, but fairly simple. I answer on the subject (twenty pages in general). It is guided by the subject throughout the TP .... I find it more a discovery, an overview, a real work practice as it was in France. By
cons in other subjects, there are big projects to render. I did not choose a course of peer to peer because we had four weeks to make a type bittorent software supplied with a library in C + +, plus a weekly publication to criticize and make more on a project throughout the courses etc..
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Deadline To Finish Usmle
In Switzerland, the copies are noted in 6 (and not 20!). It takes 4 to validate the subject at the university. You have at least 1 if you you write the exam, 0 otherwise.
In Switzerland, there is no tray. But they spend their maturity (18 years). Swiss Maturity
Review Expiration Switzerland is a graduate from high school who obtained after 13 years of study and opens the doors of all universities. They have science subjects, languages and options, like the tray.
The big difference is that this review is not nationnal. There has cantonal and federal (roughly, each school makes its own or when for private colleges, they are something more comprehensive).
The rates are not equivalent in relation to home school ...
The Bachelor
With their Matu, the Swiss can get what they want in universities, for example at EPFL for a bachelor. (Provided they have completed their military service lasting several months ... so basically for the guys, they have one year from completing their maturation and entry to university). Upon entry, the student's chosen pathway.
at EPFL is very broad: physical, mathematical, computer, biology, social sciences, architecture, materials, mechanics etc..
For the French, you need a tank (only scientific?) With honors (14/20) to enter at the EPFL. As for Switzerland, the choice of stream is in the first weeks of courses with the opportunity to change his mind in the first two weeks. (A friend wanted to do physics, and materials and finally chose architecture ...).
The Bachelor is done in 3 years. There are a lot of failure (+ 50% the first year) and there are very few people who manage to do bachelor in 3 years.
An example a French masters with me came at EPFL after a French tank. He completed his first year of bachelor in mechanical engineering. He missed and redone. It moved into second year. He missed his second year. He therefore repeated but underwent a second failure. The rule here is simple: it is forbidden to miss twice in the same year => it has been 4 years for nothing. He left for Geneva to unil to a bachelor degree in computer and came back this year.
For people in 3rd year of Bachelor, the rule is simple ... leaving for his year abroad (in Sweden at KTH for example) to spend a year without too much work cool (true).
The Master
Having finally obtained the Bachelor of précieu EPFL or elsewhere, you can become master. The
good plan is to come from another university with good grades to enter the program at the EPFL, a highly renowned master.
In the master, I do not know if there are 50% of Swiss. There are a lot of French, 15% I think, and many people in other countries: bulgaria, romania, china, pakistan, india, vietnam, canada, usa, south america ...
Masters are two years (120 credits) except the master computer can be done in 90 credits (one and a half) if it is not without specialization and minor.
For a master, you must choose courses from a list of required courses, other courses from a list of option (~ 70 courses available for computers) and possibly a course of specialization. There is a semester project to produce (12 credits) and a master project (equivalent to Project Graduation) worth 30 credits. We must also make a SHS project that lasts one year and is worth 6 credits. I shall return later to these projects.
For master computer must 15 ECTS credits in required courses.
27 credits must be in options, and possibly 30 credits in a specialization or a minor in management and entrepreneurship.
(Master's degree in communications network, you need 120 credits, with almost the same course in computer science, but we must make a special ogligatoirement or take the minor ...)
Basically, to make a master You program the card. It is not easy, because you must comply with a multitude of rules, pay attention to prerequisites and check carefully that no material overlap.
A PHD is a PhD ... must be very good at EPFL to spend a doctorate. I do not know a lot of things over there because I'm not interested at all. I know that the doc must do 30 credits of courses during their training usually lasts 3 or 4 years and he is not obliged to have a real thesis ... In short, it's very vague to me.
The choice of courses at EPFL
Here is the list of courses for the master INS (IT)
Group 1 is compulsory courses (15 credits to be taken)
Group 2 is the options of specialization
ago but I do not care.
I am doing my Masters in two semesters. The course is mandatory wholesale prices that nobody wants to take is complicated courses with many people in the lecture halls and many work at home (homework).
I gotta do during these two semesters the SHS project. The project SHS (human and social sciences) is an area where you do something that has nothing to do with your section master.
I chose to do in management and entrepreneurship. For groups of 4 to 6 during the two semesters, we will have to audit a company and make a report and a presentation on that.
I need to do a semester project (18 hours per week for one semester for 12 credits). I decided to do so during the second half. This project focuses on a subject and is performed in a laboratory school. It is possible to choose a topic among those suggested or propose their own topic. Sample topics
made by friends last year:
- Renderer 3D terrain
- Bluetooth Remote Control with LCD color display of the playlist to control the media player on your computer.
I propose my own thinking, but I'm not there yet, we'll talk later.
I do 15 credits from compulsory courses ... I took over:
Distributed Algorithms, Distributed Information Systems and Information Theory and codes, which makes me 15 credits.
Why all courses required immediately? Because information theory and codes I've already done a bit ... although there is far more driven, and because it allows me to make no more required courses in the second half ...
My project then is simple: make things interesting.
I want to do business and management. So I will take up courses in these areas. Except that I am limited to 12 credits max in non-technical areas ...
ago during a business plan on 3 credits which is not to be considered art.
So I can take 15 credits in management & business.
It remains for me to take 12 credits in the technical options.
I chose to take advanced TCP / IP for 5 credits (Because I have very good knowledge in network).
I took cryptography to 7 credits, just out of obligation (because the course was ESISAR crypto). I also took a course this semester in e-business for 4 credits. I therefore
15 ECTS (compulsory) + 12 ECTS (options) + 3 (SHS project) + 4 (off course) = 34 credits.
What makes for the next semester I can take only current business plan, and 2 extra-curricular courses in management & business. I also follow the SHS project and semester project. That will give me 26 credits (if all goes well and I passed all my classes for semester 1!).
short, if all goes well, I'll have a quiet second half more and more interesting ...
My schedule for the first half
Operation courses
A course lasts 2 hours. In fact it is two times 45 minutes with 15 minute break between the two parties.
In general courses are composed of a part called "reading", ie a lecture and exercise sessions.
Prices are in the form of slides available on the Internet and are provided by the teacher.
For years, the teacher is usually there. A sheet with exercises is distributed and there are TA (teacher assistant) that pass between the rows when there are questions.
solutions are available the following week on the Internet.
Comments various bulk
- The classes are all in English, some teachers accepted for examinations that copies are written in French or English.
- The level of course is higher than in France. I think there are several reasons for this. The first is that people are highly specialized in their field. So teachers will quickly deep into details. Then I think they expect many staff work more important than where I come from, especially since nothing encourages us to work in groups. Personally, I work regularly with a group of students (French general) who also used to do group work. This allows us to learn much more quickly and finish our homework in time. (1 per week per subject, except for certain subjects where one does not need to go).
- At EPFL there are about 20% of girls. They are concentrated in social sectors, bio (where they are the majority!) And architecture.
- I do not think this is a good system for exercise sessions, the TA is often wrong! (Ie PhD students or former students who successfully completed the well in previous years).
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Breville Bakers Oven Model Bb200
I know, I know, it's been a while since I have not updated the blog ...
I did not really an excuse, I got my pc this weekend in France (7 days from Monday to Monday to change the motherboard in poland, searched computer and as reported by UPS ... enjoy).
I'll try to make some posts about everyday life on campus, the court system and so on.
- The choice of courses and the school system in general
- The small stuff, a university which means
- The outputs lausanne
- ...