week routine that installs
I begin to take my bearings and have a fairly predictable operation.
is cyclic over two weeks.
In fact, I try to return home to France every two weekends.
Monday morning, returning from France. I leave around 7am and arrive to the Alsace Laussanne to 11H.
transport by train costs about 5 euros from my home in Bales (1:30) and 29.50 francs (20 euros) to de Bales in Lausanne (2h). For both trips I have 50% discount with the 12-25 card in France (49 euros) and the half fare card in Switzerland (150 francs => 100 euros). There is another reduction that can be added to the half fare card, which is called channel 7 (100 francs extra): After 7 am and until last night, all transports are free. I did not take because I rarely take public transport at night.
The other means of transportation was a motorcycle or car. It costs about the same price as the train, there are 300km to go, it takes about 3 hours.
Monday, I start to 13h. Eat Yourself the apartment. At night I usually work on homework ITC (information theory and coding), material that I workout in the next day. It is also the deadline for making the extra exercise of DIS (Distributed Information System).
Tuesday is the worst day. I do a 8h-17h. Morning 3am DIS with the new fiscal year and additional 4h of ITC in the afternoon. I also want to eat at a restaurant on campus with student Sofien and Mathieu. In the evening I finalize the ITC homework.
Wednesday is a quiet day. I'm only 3 hours during the morning and 1 hour from 16h to 17h. We'll eat and I generally remains at EPFL do with the DIS Sofien from 13h to 16h and to make the homework ITC whose dead-line is Thursday noon.
Thursday, I cryptography and TCP-IP from 10 to 16 o'clock stop.J 've TP about a week on two TCP-IP, next week's exercises. We must make the TP before the course begins. I did not have time to eat, even if I can grab a sandwich and eat at the break. I usually take an apple and I have lunch very well in the morning. That evening, around 10am, the new ITC homework is available on the Internet.
Friday, I cryptography for 4 hours in the morning. There are regularly a small flow of the QCM (sometimes on Thursday morning).
At noon either I take the subway to catch my train at Central Station, either I get my bike home for the weekend.
If I take the subway, I have my train at 12:45, and I'm home around 17h for a weekend of rest (still with homework and revision).
the weekend or I stay at the apartment, I want to work for other things and do some housekeeping, laundry etc..
For laundry there is a laundry room in each building (10 apts per building so about 50 people). It is very cheap. 0.5 to 1.5 euros depending on the wash cycle.
I still have my computer with me, I take courses on computer I said directly that the slides are available on the webpage of the laboratory of the professor, except that the ITC has no slides but with a lecture at the table.
interest is that I can work around my homework: D I think it's a good way ... and saw my writing, at least I manage to read it again.
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